This film was produced in 2018 during the week the UNESCO Cities of Literature and the Wrestling World Cup descended upon Iowa City. Produced for the Iowa City visitors bureau, the film explores the impact Iowa City has on the worlds of wrestling and literature.
2018 Upper Midwest Emmy Award – Cultural Documentary (Director)
Director - Producer - Editor - Co-Cinematographer
Full Credits:
From April 3-8, 2018, Iowa City, Iowa, hosted representatives from more than 25 countries for the UNESCO Cities of Literature Annual Meeting and 8 teams of wrestlers for the United World Wrestling Freestyle World Cup. What is it about this small city in the Midwest that can attract two international events in the same week?
A Production of:
Think Iowa City
Directed & Edited by:
Nathan McNurlen
Executive Producers:
Josh Schamberger
Nick Pfeiffer
Brett Adams
Produced by:
Nathan McNurlen
James Drescher
Chad Adams
Brent Wirth
Bruce Wheaton
Cinematography by:
Chad Adams
James Drescher
Nathan McNurlen
Special Thanks:
Christopher Merrill
Dan Gable
Marvin Bell
James Kelly
Jan Weissmiller
Tom Brands
Loren Glass
J’den Cox
Ed Folsom
Bill Zadick
Jusyna Jochym
Kevin Jackson
Ali Bowden
Yuki Takahashi
Sadek Mohamen
Firdovsi Umudov
Tebogo Mizizi
Haji Aliyev
Julio Mendieta Cuellar
Reineris Salas Perez
Special Thanks:
United World Wrestling Federation
US Department of State
Iowa City UNECSO City of Literature
Prairie Lights
Mission Creek Festival